
Apex Legends shows off its new beach themed Storm Point map - foxtheacted

Battle royale hired gun Apex Legends has shown remove the Storm Point map in a other trailer for the upcoming Scarper season.

Further inside information on the Apex Legends blog reveal that Ramp Gunpoint is a former IMC research base. It's the game's biggest map so far, and about 15% larger than Mankind's Sharpness. To help players get under one's skin roughly, new Soberness Cannons volition fling players across vast expanses of the map, replacing the redeploy balloons.

Simply it's non just other players you'll have to look out for in Apex Legends' new location, as it turns come out Tempest Point is teeming with wildlife. Wildlife Nests will be home to several vicious creatures, such as the region Prowlers. The caves are equally dangerous with Spiders ready to effuse of eggs dotted crosswise the map. Eww. Lastly, Flyers in the toss wish offer loot to those who dare shoot unrivaled shoot down. Clearing out nests will likewise net you rewards, like attachments, ammo and symmetrical crafting materials.

Points of Interest include the spinning platform along the Barometer. Elsewhere the Command Center is a monumental hole-and-corner complex rich in loot and pieces of cover. A dangerous Checkpoint lies over a impenetrable forest, providing cover to a lower place. There's besides a Storm Catcher and Lightning Rod, if you likewise like to live dangerously.

There's plenty more to discover for yourself, along with virgin Caption Ash when she drops on the same solar day. Apex Legends Flavour 11 – Run lands for the gimpy on November 2. See to it out a pair of trailers below.

Vertex Legends

on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox Matchless

Liberate Date:

31 December 2019

Visit crippled space


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