Installing new versions of macOS on a Mac should be a pretty elementary exercise. The Mac tells you there's an update available via a pop up in Notification Centre - in some cases (depending on your settings) information technology's even downloaded it already and but needs your go-ahead to install. However, sometimes when you click Go on an update things go a bit pear-shaped. In this tutorial we'll look at what to practise if your Mac stalls or freezes during an operating system software update, or if you see an error message indicating that there is a problem.

This is particularly pertinent right now with macOS Monterey arriving on 25 October 2022. When macOS Big Sur arrived in Nov 2022 many people experienced difficulties downloading and installing it and, as anticipated, there were similar problems with the inflow of Monterey.

We await into what to do if y'all can't download macOS Monterey, fixes for when macOS Monterey won't install, and what yous need to do if your Mac freezes in the middle of the update.

One large upshot with Monterey appears to exist that information technology is bricking some Intel Macs with a T1 or T2 processor (used for Impact Id and to manage the SMC). More on that below.

If you've seen the warning: 'The macOS installation couldn't be completed' or the bulletin: 'An Error Occurred While Installing the Selected Updates' we're here to help. Or if having managed to download Monterey you are confronted with the message: "There is non enough gratis space on the selected book to upgrade the OS!", we are here to aid. These were all bug we encountered in 2022, so it'south quite possible that the same issues volition be faced with the arrival of Monterey.

Error occured installing big sur

Problems with Monterey

It is unfortunately the case that when Apple launches a new version of macOS some Mac users suffering from issues following the update, these problems tend to affect older Macs more than newer Macs.

It is possible that these problems will exist addressed in macOS or afterwards, but if that's no good for you take a wait below to see if your issue is being experienced by others how they are tackling the problem.

Bricked Macs

Obviously installing Monterey is bricking some Macs - specifically older Intel-based models with a T1 and T2 bit (which drives the System Management Controller (SMC) and Touch ID sensors in some Intel Macs).

The reason for problem seems to be that something is interfering with the process when the firmware update happens. One suggested fix is to restore the Mac's firmware, but that isn't unproblematic. The rescue process for T2 Macs, as outlined in an Apple tree document hither, requires a second Intel Mac, from which you can supply the damaged computers with new firmware for the T2 processor via the Apple Configurator 2 app. It's fifty-fifty more than complicated if you have a T1, so you may need to get to an Apple Store in that example.

Memory management problem

At that place are also reports that a retentiveness management bug is causing some Macs to run out of free memory. Users might encounter the warning: "Your organization has run out of application retentiveness." In that case the bug seems to affect both new and old Macs, rather than being limited to just Apple tree Silicon or Intel machines.

If you meet the bug you may find that force-quitting your applications or rebooting your Mac fixes it.

USB issues

There take also been reports of a problem with the USB 3.0 ports - mainly affecting hubs, just also some USB peripherals do not piece of work properly subsequently the upgrade.

In this case the trouble seems to affect computers that feature Apple'southward M1 chip, merely there are also reports of Intel Macs being affected.

Bug with Big Sur...

In 2022 when Big Sur launched some Mac users were unfortunate enough to experience an issue where the installer would neglect to cheque how much infinite was available before installing the operating system update. As a result the installation would exist unable to complete and all the storage available on the Mac would exist filled making the Mac unusable. Apple issued an update to Big Sur that addressed this particular problem on 15 February 2022. Read about Big Sur version xi.2.1 (build 20D75) and how it fixes the trouble in this article: 2d Big Sur 11.two.1 update fixes Mac installation effect. It is likely that if a similar problem happens in Monterey we will see an update shortly after launch.

With Big Sur there were also reports of messages such as: 'macOS could not be installed on your reckoner', 'gateway timed out' or 'bad gateway', and 'The network connection was lost' nosotros explain how we fixed these below.

And, with Big Sur users were also confronted with an message that stated: "The update bundle has been deleted since beingness downloaded from the Apple Software Update server" we accost that below too.

Why won't macOS Monterey download?

There are a few reasons why the macOS download or installation process might not work or be interrupted. In that location are also a few possible reasons why download might be taking too long. We'll run through the various problems y'all might encounter and the best fixes for them beneath.

Problem: Download taking likewise long

If it happens to be a new version of the Mac operating system and you are attempting to download it merely afterward release at that place could be issues due to so many people accessing the servers at the same fourth dimension.

Every bit a result the download of the software may be deadening and, fifty-fifty if you do manage to download it, the installation may freeze as information technology tries to verify your details with Apple tree.

In 2022 our download of Big Sur threatened to take a whole day - a typical sign that too many people are attempting to access the servers.

How long will Big Sur download take

You tin can approximate whether there are problems with the servers at Apple's end past visiting Apple tree'due south server status webpage hither: System Status page. Bank check the macOS Software Update section to see if there are whatsoever known issues. (If the link doesn't piece of work information technology's up/systemstatus/)

Equally you will see from the screen shot below there was a problem with macOS Software Update on 12 November. Information technology has since been resolved according to Apple.

Is Apple server down

While the issue with Big Sur was live on 12 Nov 2022 Apple had the following text on the site indicating that in that location was a trouble: "Users may not be able to download macOS Software Updates on Mac computers."

Fix: speed up the download

Information technology'southward not always Apple's servers that are to blame though. Perhaps the issue is at your cease. Maybe your WiFi connection is poor. Nosotros suggest that you try moving closer to the router.

Y'all might observe that things are quicker if y'all movement from a Wi-Fi to a wired connexion. If you lot have a Ethernet cablevision and the necessary adapter if your Mac but has a USB-C port, plug yourself directly into the hub. Your download will be much faster over a wired connectedness.

Read more: How to gear up Wi-Fi problems on Mac

Fix: Turn on Content Caching

Another thing that you could try is to adjust Content Caching.

When the download threatened to take a long time nosotros turned on Content Caching.

  1. Go to System Preferences > Sharing.
  2. Turning Content Caching.
  3. Restarting the Mac.

Apparently Content Caching reduces bandwidth usage and speeds up installation on supported devices past storing software updates on the reckoner.

We made certain that the Cache Size was unlimited - click on Options. And we as well made certain that the option selected beside Cache was All Content.

With these changes in place the download was consummate in one-half an hour rather than the 10 hours initially predictable.

Problem: macOS update won't download

Another reason you may non be able to download a macOS update is if you lot don't take adequate amounts of free space on your Mac.

Possibly at that place isn't adequate space available on your Mac (we always recommend that you lot don't install if you take less than 20GB of space free as your Mac may struggle with the installation otherwise - in fact with Big Sur weighing in at but over 12GB, and Monterey likely to be just as big, y'all'll need all the space y'all can get!)

You'll run into below that even 20GB space isn't actually sufficient when information technology comes to installing macOS Big Sur though. Nosotros actually needed 35GB available when it came to doing the installation. So that'southward more 45GB required earlier yous start - you might want to read this: Don't bother trying to update to Large Sur if you have a 128GB Mac.

Fix: Make infinite

We offer communication on making more space on your Mac hither: How to free infinite on a Mac. You could for example delete old emails and text messages, or locate old Time Machine backup files from your Mac and delete them.

1 corking way to gratuitous upwards space is to delete the images associated with the Messages y'all've received on your Mac. You can do this by clicking on the Apple Logo > Near this Mac > Manage and then choosing Messages and deleting as many images and videos equally you can.

You could also try an app such as Clean Your Mac to delete caches and other things from your Mac. If you'd rather non pay we run through How to delete Other storage on the Mac, How to delete Organisation storage on a Mac, and How to delete Cache on a Mac.

Set: Use Prophylactic Mode

Another way you might be able to get the macOS update to download and install is to use Condom Style.

Press the ability push button and hold down the Shift key to start the Mac up in Safe Way. Open App Store and update your apps while in Safe mode. Reboot.

To access Safe Manner press and hold the Shift key when you beginning upwardly your Mac. Wait while the Apple logo appears, then, when the login window appears release the Shift key.

Here's how to use Safe Mode on a Mac.

Ready: Download from Mac App Shop

If you are on Catalina or later you might call back yous have to stick to downloading the new software via Software Update, but yous can still grab the download via the Mac App Store.

For instance, you can Download MacOS Large Sur on the Mac App Shop here.

When we attempted to download Catalina from the Mac App Store were confronted by a message that the requested version of macOS couldn't be found though.

Can't find catalina

This could just be a temporary glitch, maybe while Apple relocates the predecessor to a new location on the Mac App Shop. We have links to all versions of macOS here: How to get old macOS.

Fix: Download the software from Apple's website

If y'all're having issues downloading a bespeak update (not a consummate new version) via Software Update or Mac App Store, you lot tin can use Apple tree'southward website instead. You tin can discover the latest macOS updates here. To find whatever software update on the site, simply search for it.

Problem: macOS won't install errors

Perchance you managed to download Monterey, Big Sur or whatever other macOS update and and so found that it wouldn't install. This also happened to many people when attempting to download Big Sur on 12 November who saw an fault message suggesting that 'Installation failed: error occurred while installing the update', we'll run through that example before looking at another fault messages nosotros have seen in the past.

Error: Upgrade runs out of space and fails

In some cases the macOS Big Sur installer wasn't checking that at that place was sufficient space available before performing the installation. As a result some Mac users were finding that their Macs were unable to consummate the installation before they ran out of space.

Since it is possible that the same, or similar problems, may plague  Monterey updates you may be revealed to know that in 2022 this particular problem was addressed in an update to Big Sur so we recommend yous perform that update. Read: Large Sur 11.2.1 (v2) fixes this Mac installation issue.

In 2022 the best solution was to do a make clean install of Big Sur so that may be the example in 2022 also.

Error: Installation failed error occurred while installing the update

One of the biggest bug with Large Sur was that the installer would identify that in that location wasn't enough infinite bachelor. Nosotros sincerely hope not to have the aforementioned problem in 2022 with Monterey.

Since the macOS Large Sur installation required effectually 48.5GB free space - that's 35.5GB plus some other 13GB for the installer itself. Lack of space was quite a common trouble among those with 128GB Macs. That is the problem nosotros encountered, as we volition item beneath.

With the Big Sur update, if you lot saw the error bulletin: 'Installation failed: mistake occured while installing the update' you were not solitary. There were multiple reports of people having difficulties downloading Big Sur. In fact, we experienced this exact problem with our endeavour to download and install Big Sur. Nosotros'll share what happened in case information technology is helpful to you lot:

The first clue that something was going wrong was when it looked like the download of macOS Big Sur was finally consummate - with the consummate 12.2GB downloaded - but the bar was stuck with some altitude to go, we left it alone for an hour or so in the promise that it would right itself.

Notwithstanding, when nosotros returned we saw the bulletin that: "Installation failed. An mistake occured while installing the update".

Installation failed installing Big Sur

The strange thing was that even though information technology had earlier indicated that the whole Large Sur file had been downloaded, information technology was no where to exist seen on our Mac.

We attempted to start the download again and saw some other message, this time suggesting that the file could not be downloaded.

It seems that our Mac knew that the Big Sur files were on our Mac considering when we searched once more for it the Large Sur file were there. You lot could search for Big Sur using Spotlight and try and install it - or you could delete the files and commencement again. (Except as you'll see if you continue to read, that didn't help us specially).

Error: There is not enough free space on the selected volume to upgrade the OS

Notwithstanding relating to our struggles updating to Large Sur... Having located the Install Big Sur files nosotros thought we would now be able to install it, except that when we tried to we were confronted with a request for 14GB space. It turns out that Big Sur is a 12.2GB download, but even after that you need about 34GB of free space! Given that Apple has only merely stopped selling Macs with 128GB SSDs we imagine a lot of people are in the same boat equally us right now. We have managed to scrape back to 25.5GB of free space only nosotros need to find some other 10GB.

If similar u.s.a. you are looking at the Other storage on your Mac and wondering what the hell is taking upward so much infinite, have a await at How to delete Other storage on your Mac.

Big Sur needs more space

Again, doing a make clean install of Large Sur could be one way to become enough space for the installation.

In 2022 when confronted with this problem we armed ourselves with CleanMyMac Ten to delete buried files and other superfluous information, and so blitzed the images and videos associated with our Letters. In the terminate we managed to get the 10GB we needed.

Fix: "The update parcel has been deleted" fault

Another year and some other macOS installation struggle! While attempting to download Catalina the day after launch in 2022 we saw an error message indicating: "The update package has been deleted since being downloaded from the Apple Software Update server".

Initially nosotros causeless that this meant that Apple had withdrawn the software, simply on further investigation it appeared that it related to issue was with our network.

updates package has been deleted since being downloaded from the apple software update server

Information technology seems that it was a case of at that place beingness too many Apple tree devices on our network causing too much competition for bandwidth. Nosotros stopped streaming radio, turned off other devices, and moved our Mac closer to the router. If we'd have had an Ethernet cable handy nosotros'd take used that. Either way, it fixed the problem for us that fourth dimension.

Other fixes for macOS download problems

Here are some of the nearly useful suggestions to work through in order to ready a problem with a macOS download. You might also want to run through our communication here: How to get your Mac fix for macOS Monterey.

1. Check your Mac is healthy

Information technology's always wise to run through a standard series of checks before you perform an operating organization update on a Mac. We cover preparation steps in the starting time department of our guide showing How to update macOS on a Mac.

2. Abolish the download/cease the update

Yous might be able to cancel the download, but the method will depend on what version of macOS you have installed.

In Mojave Apple inverse the route users take to download a macOS Software Updates. They are now accessed via Arrangement Preferences > Software Update, where previously they were downloaded via the Mac App Store.

If y'all want to stop the download, you tin can click on the x that appears beside the bar that shows the download progress, as shown in the screenshot below.

Cancel macOS download

Pre-Mojave, you may be able to ready a stuck update by going to the Mac App Store, finding the software you are downloading, and pressing Option/Alt. When you do so you should see the option to Abolish the download.

Having cancelled the download you lot should exist able to starting time information technology once again, hopefully without any problems this time.

Problem: Stalled macOS update

Generally, if at that place'due south a problem with your software installation it will get stuck on the updating screen, showing an Apple logo with a status bar showing the progress as the software is loading. At that place may exist what people refer to as a 'spinning embankment ball'.

How to fix a Mac that won't finish a macOS update: Beach ball

Alternatively, you may run across a white, grey or black screen. On many Macs the screen may exist so dark that you lot might not even be able to tell if the Mac is turned on.

All the same, y'all desire to be admittedly sure that the installation isn't withal running in the background because forcibly rebooting the Mac during an installation will interrupt the installation procedure and potentially cause you to lose information. It's 1 reason why it'southward recommended that you back up your Mac earlier you install new software.

Alternatively, you might discover that your Mac gets stuck in the installer with a message that "macOS could not be installed on your estimator". When we clicked Restart the aforementioned thing happened, in the end, the only way nosotros were able to ready information technology was past starting in Safe Manner and downloading the installer again. Find out exactly what we did below.

If your Mac appears to have frozen during the install, it's worth listening to your Mac for signs of life - you may be able to hear whiring - and following the below communication.

ane. Find out if your Mac has really frozen

Before y'all conclude that your Mac has frozen during the installation, you demand to be aware of the post-obit.

Sometimes updating the software on a Mac can have a Very. Long. Time. Y'all may exist confronted by what looks like a frozen update, but if you leave it for a few hours information technology could finally become to the stop of its job. Sometimes information technology's worth leaving the Mac overnight to finish the job it'southward started. Sometimes updates tin can take 16 hours or more than - peculiarly on the days when Apple tree releases a new version of its Mac operating system.

Remember, the progress bar you lot see during installation is only a all-time judge at how long it will take. In our experience one minute information technology tells usa at that place volition be a 2-hour await, and so 45 minutes, so an hour, earlier jumping down to 20 minutes. Sometimes things go slowed downwards considering the Mac is taking a while to install one file behind the scenes and that's thrown the whole update time prediction out the window.

The Mac might have been stuck on 20 minutes remaining for the past 2 hours, only this doesn't necessarily hateful it's not decorated trying to install the software.

ii. Look at the Log to run into if your Mac is still installing macOS

Press Command + L. This brings up boosted information and more than details about the amount of fourth dimension all the same remaining for the install. It may give yous a ameliorate indication of what files are being installed and the amount of time left.

three. Wait

If information technology turns out that the installation hasn't stalled be patient and wait for a few more than hours.

One key thing to recall: Apple indicates how much time is apparently left for an installation... Don't pay this any attention because it is NEVER RIGHT!

Problem: Mac freezes during installation

If you're positive that the Mac isn't still working on updating your software then run through the following steps:

ane. Close down, wait a few seconds, then restart your Mac

Press and agree the power button to shut downward and start your Mac back upwardly.

2. Get to Arrangement Preferences > Software Update

Or, if you are on an older macOS version, become to the Mac App Store and open up Updates.

You should observe that the update/installation process carries on from where it left off.

3. Cheque the Log screen to see if files are being installed

When the progress bar appears, printing Command + L once more to check the Log screen and ensure files are beingness installed. If the Log screen shows that nothing is happening move on to the next step.

iv. Endeavour installing the Combo update

As we mentioned earlier, Apple tree hosts software on its website, and so you can download it from there if you are having issues with the usual method.

There's skilful reason to go your software from Apple's website if you're encountering problems: the version of the software available from Software Update or the Mac App Shop will just include the files necessary to update your Mac.

If you lot go to Apple's support website you can discover a Combo updater which includes all the files required to update the macOS. This version of the update volition replace all the system files and thereby ensure the update is complete.

How to fix a Mac that won't finish a macOS update: Downloads

5. Reset the NVRAM

If Safe Mode doesn't work, restart the Mac and hold down Command, Choice/Alt, P and R. This will reset the NVRAM. Look until the computer restarts and wait to encounter if information technology starts updating.

For more data read How to reset the PRAM/NVRAM here.

6. Utilise Recovery Style to reinstall macOS

As a concluding option you could restart the Mac in Recovery Mode (hold down Control + R at startup). There are a number of options to choose from hither - you could recover your Mac from your last Time Machine backup, or perform a disk repair - merely we recommend choosing the 'Install new Os' choice. We have a separate tutorial on how to reinstall MacOS using Recovery Mode.

When it reinstalls macOS your Mac will supplant all the Apple organisation files overwriting any problematic ones that may be contributing to this mistake - hopefully. This update won't include the latest version of the software so afterwards performing the update, check Software Update and utilise the latest macOS update.

7. Install the OS from an external drive

If y'all're still having bug with the install yous could endeavour installing the Os from an external drive. Read this tutorial to notice out how to create a bootable installer and install macOS from an external drive.

8. Run Disk Utility once y'all've updated

When you finally get the software up and running nosotros advise that you lot run Deejay Utility to right any issues that might have caused the problem in the first place.

What to do if macOS could not exist installed on your calculator

When we started up our Mac and saw the message macOS could not exist installed on your computer we were initially a little confused - every bit far equally we were concerned nosotros hadn't been trying to install macOS. Simply, regardless, we were stuck in a loop. When we clicked Restart our Mac restarted, but was notwithstanding stuck in the installer.

We tried to quit the installer - nosotros clicked on the Installer window and then from the menu above choose Quit MacOS Installer (alternatively Command + Q). Unfortunately for united states of america when nosotros booted upwards our Mac over again we had the same problem with it opening the installer.

We and then ran through the following options and had more success:

  1. Offset in Safe Mode: We held down the shift fundamental while we started upwards our Mac. This way we were able to boot upward in Condom Mode. In Safe Mode y'all will detect the Mac is a chip glitchy simply you lot should be able to practice what you lot need to do to fix the problem.
  2. Once in Rubber Manner we opened the Mac App Shop and searched for Big Sur. In afterwards versions of macOS you lot should be able to find the update in System Preferences Software Update.
  3. We clicked download and waited while the Big Sur installer downloaded in the background.
  4. In one case the installer was downloaded and we were ready to install we continued with the installation.

It's besides possible that macOS is not able to be installed on your Mac because your Mac is also old: you can see which Macs tin run Monterey hither, and which Macs tin can run Big Sur here.

Read next: How to fix a frozen Mac. We too have a consummate guide to fixing some of the most common Mac bug. Plus nosotros hash out everything y'all need to know about getting Apple products repaired.